Brian Fox

Brian Fox

Followers: 5
Following: 1


  1. Tabs 5/16/2018
  2. Tabs 5/28/2018
  3. Git
0 Follower Following Unfollow?


  1. Notepad++
  2. Vim
  3. Visual Studio
0 Follower Following Unfollow?


  1. Models
  2. Videos
0 Follower Following Unfollow?


  1. 3dsmax
  2. Maya
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mayan math

  1. math
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  1. Linux
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  1. C++
  2. Public member functions
  3. OpenCV
  4. Compliers
  5. +1 more
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Studios and Designers

  1. Other Studios and Designers
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Graphic Art

  1. Graphic Art
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Asset and Text Creation Tools

  1. Tools
  2. Photogrammetry
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Game Design

  1. Game Design
0 Follower Following Unfollow?

Production Assets

  1. Assets
0 Follower Following Unfollow?


  1. Community
  2. Datasmith
  3. Houdini
  4. Mobile
  5. +9 more
1 Follower Following Unfollow?

Supply Chain Management

  1. Analytics
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Private Board

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Private Board

Only Co-owners can access private boards.

Private Board

Only Co-owners can access private boards.

Private Board

Only Co-owners can access private boards.

Private Board

Only Co-owners can access private boards.

Private Board

Only Co-owners can access private boards.

Private Board

Only Co-owners can access private boards.

Boards Followed By Brian Fox

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