Web Design

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CSS Snippets


For code snippets in css, css3

  1. Bouncy Navigation
  2. Responsive Vertical Timeline
  3. Vertical Fixed Navigation
  4. Icons Filling Effect
  5. Simple Buttons - CSS

    CSS buttons base

  6. Animated Button

    Red to Green

All Things SVG and Canvas


SVG code snippets and animations

  1. Animate SVG icons with CSS and Snap | CodyHouse
  2. Animated SVG Image Slider
  3. SVG Styling

    Separate fills and strokes

  4. A Guide to SVG Animations (SMIL)
  5. Clippy — CSS clip-path maker
  6. Applying a CSS and SVG mask

    Scaling SVG mask for images

JS Stuff


JS and framework Code Snippets

  1. thinkpixellab/PxLoader
  2. Back to top
  3. Space.js

    3D animation on scroll

  4. AngularJS : Responsive comment system

Reference CSS Frameworks

  1. Semantic
  2. Flatly

Walkthroughs and Tutorials

  1. Mijingo Tuts
  2. Front-end Handbook
  3. Omino : After Effects Plugin
  4. Intro to CSS 3D transforms
  5. Pixel Perfect Design
  6. DOM Enlightenment

LINKS : Work related


For all website tools and links can be useful in work

  1. The Only UX Reading List Ever
  2. Library | CodyHouse
  3. Simple advice on Product Psychology
  4. Smooth Scroll
  5. Makings of a Good UI
  6. Cubic Bezier
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