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Kotlin | Samples
Kotlin Rewind -1 (Edureka)
Default params & Named Arg
Memory leaks
Detecting/fixing memory leaks in android
Architecture components
ViewModel Overview
codelabs | Android
Lifecycle-Aware Components
Google Codelabs
job scheduler
Codota - AI Code Completions for your IDE
Pavan AAD-Documentation
APSSDC - Retrofit doc
APSSDC - Github
Android Dev Courses
Android developer fundas
Dark Theme
Saving dark mode in shared preferences
AndroidX Webkit
Adding a dark theme to your app
Dark Theme in WebView's
Designing dark mode apps
Night Mode Support for Android 10 Applications
Android Basics Tutorial
Learn Android Tutorial
Android Tutorial
Referrer API
Google Play Referrer API: Track and measure your app installs easily and securely
Sharing a file
*Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity context
Sharing a file
Storage access framework
Android – How to get an image via an intent
Understanding the Scoped Storage in Android
Pick an image file using Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT
Open files using storage access framework | Android Developers
Geofences Android
Accurate Geofencing optimization using Brodcast
Geofences on Android with GoogleApiClient
GeofenceStatusCodes | Google Developers
Setting up Geofencing with Notifications
Unit Testing | Daggler
Testing basics
google code labs
Dependency Injection and Unit Testing
Learn Unit Testing in Android by building a sample application
Introduction to Unit Testing
Testing Android In-App Updates with FakeAppUpdateManager
Using FakeAppUpdateManager to unit test in-app updates.
KeyStore Explorer
Increase your AdSense Earnings with Micro Niche Sites
in-app Updates
Android In-App Updates — Common pitfalls and some good patterns
Use app signing by Google Play
Sign your app
Swiggy In-App Update API
SIM Info
Roaming details of both sims
Mobile Signal
get current cell signal strength?
Android 10
Calculating SignalStrength
calculating Signal strength prog
PhoneStateListener Example
get the IMSI No of 2nd Sim in Android
app bar
Set up the app bar
Add the app bar
Job Scheduler
Scheduling Background Services in doze mode
JobScheduler - Android Studio Tutorial
Scheduling operations via AlarmManager in Android
Evernote’s Android-job looks great
jobintentservice for background processing
android o
Glide Library
Glide : find if the image is already cached and use the cached version?
Glide V4 Caching
Splash screen
Perfect Way to Create Splash Screen
Android Apps
Fing - Network Tools
Signal Strength
NETGEAR WiFi Analytics
*WiFiAnalyzer (open-source)
analiti - WiFi Tester & Analyzer
Android studio Errors
How to Solve Android’s 13 Most Common Error Messages
Android Studio inline compiler showing red errors, but compilation with gradle works fine
Android Studio suddenly cannot resolve symbols
Lots of Errors in Code but Still App Runs in Android Studio
Background app / service
Handle jobs in background
Android library
Background Execution Limits
Notification Channels and Badges (android)
Detect user inactivity - auto calling logout after a period of time
* Best topics to learn in android
Understand the Activity Lifecycle
RingtoneManager | Android Developers
How do I stop the currently playing ringtone?
Android Ringtone and RingtoneManager Example | Get Default and Current Ringtone
Location Setting
Turn on GPS automatically on Android (Programmatically)
Android: Location Settings Dialog tutorial - Android Rey
SettingsClient | Google APIs for Android | Google Developers
* Enable Gps automatically if it is turned off. Similar to what OLA cab does. However t...
Change location settings | Android Developers
Enable Location Services and GPS programmatically (without navigating to the location s...
Motion Sensors | Chart Examples
Step Detector & Counter Sensors
Accelerometer Data Recorder - Apps on Google Play
MPAndroidChart Tutorial Better Than Android GraphView 2- Line Chart using MPAndroid 1/3
Real Time Accelerometer Data Plot in Android using MPAndroidChart Library
Motion Sensor | Android Examples
Sensors test - Google Play
Code Examples SensorManager.getOrientation
Accelerometer Basic Example - Detect Phone Shake Motion
Integrate Android Accelerometer In Android App?
Motion Sensors | Info
Accelerometer Example
Android Sensor Fusion Tutorial
When to use accelerometer or gyroscope on Android
Android Sensor Programming Videos
* Airbus A380 take-off distance
Sensor Basics
Java | Android
Learn Android Tutorial
CODEDOST | Android Basic Programs |
Codota - Java code examples
Java Code Examples
Androidians Blog
- - Tutorials For Beginners
About Routers
About AC Type Routers
Channel Bonding
ScanResult | Android Developers
What is channel bonding in a router
* Channel Bonding (CB)—When One Channel Is Not Enough
WifiInfoView - WiFi Scanner for Windows
NetSpot - Troubleshooting overlapping channels (SIR)
Channel Planning
Doze Mode | Android Developers
WakefulBroadcastReceiver | Android Developers
Keep the device awake
Guide to background processing | Android Developers
Doze Mode
unified job library
Schedule jobs
how to use JobIntentService in android 8 versions
handle alarm in all os versions
*Save Your Android Service From Doze Mode
* evernote/android-job
Creating exact alarms on all Android versions