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Ecologia do Ensino Virtual
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Geral e basicos sobre e-learning
Conceptualizing e-Learning
enabling e-Learning
Learning and New Media
Assessment and Pedagogy in the Era of Machine-Mediated Learning
Innovative Learning Environment
Planning an innovative learning environment
Home - ILE
Innovative Learning Environments
Khan Academy
About Edmodo
eLearning Learning-Moodle
ImpulseLMS (Br)
Google For Education Teacher Center
Best Certificates in Education 2020
Online Education Certificate Programs
Ambientes Pedagogicos Integrados
Busca para integrating e-learning tools
A framework for e‐learning as a tool for knowledge management
Find the best Learning Management Systems - eLearning Industry
Learning Tools Interoperability
Technology That Will Shape Education In 2017
Cursos A Fazer
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Introduction to Student Assessment | Coursera
Get Interactive: Practical Teaching with Technology | Coursera
Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling
Learning to Teach Online | Coursera
Multimodal Literacies: Communication and Learning in the Era of Digital Media | Coursera
Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom | Coursera
Cursos em Andamento
Formação de Educadores na Cultura Digital
Cursos Concluidos
Ubiquitous Learning
Ubiquitous Computing
Computação Ubíqua – Definição e Exemplos
Computação ubíqua - História e características gerais
Computação ubíqua -
Definição e princípios da Computação Ubíqua
Ubiquitous computing: An overview of technology impacts
Top 7 things you need to know about ubiquitous computing - Monitis Blog
Cloud Computing
Conheça os tipos de cloud computing e suas principais diferenças
Cloud Computing: tudo o que você precisa saber sobre esse modelo
Cloud Computing: Entenda definitivamente o que é e para que serve
Descubra finalmente o que é e para que serve o cloud computing - Link Certificação Digital
O que é cloud computing (computação nas nuvens)?
O que é Computação em Nuvem? Um Guia para Iniciantes | Microsoft Azure
Web 2.0
25 eLearning tools you need now | LearnUpon
Blended Learning
Implantação da metodologia híbrida (blended learning) de educação numa instituição de e...
Personalização do ensino: como colocar o aluno no centro da educação – PORVIR
clicar em “Sua vez” é possível conhecer todos os desafios propostos ao grupo de professores que fez
Vídeos Intro to blended Learning
vídeos de introdução ao Blended learning, elaborados pelo Instituto Clayton Christensen
Blended Learning Universe - Christensen Institute
Over the Shoulder Learning
Top 7 Reasons Over-the-Shoulder Education is Better
Over the Shoulder Learning: Supporting Brief Informal Learning
Lifelong and lifewide learning
Develop a Personal Learning Network To Inspire Lifelong Learning!
Multimodal Meaning
Learning games
Top 7 Tips To Integrate eLearning Games Into Your eLearning Course - eLearning Industry
The Oregon Trail (video game)
The teacher who challenged his pupils to achieve world peace with a game
Homo Ludens
Monopoly Was Designed to Teach the 99% About Income Inequality
Simulations / VR
Visual learning
What Is My Learning Style
Visual Learning Strategies
Learning styles
Are You a Visual Learner? Try These Study Techniques
What is Visual Learning?
Learning Styles: Is Visual Learning Really A Thing?
Digital stories / Future-focused learning / Teaching / enabling e-Learning - enabling e...
Digital Composition, Storytelling & Multimodal Literacy: What Is Digital Composition & ...
Recursive Feedback
Educational data mining
Data mining and education
The Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL)
Formative assessment
Visible Thinking
Active Knowledge Making
Inquiry Learning
Teaching as Inquiry
Student Inquiry
Makerspaces (Cultura Maker)
Makerspaces / Future-focused learning / Teaching / enabling e-Learning - enabling eLear...
Makerspace Resources
Library: Education - Maker Spaces: All About Maker Spaces
Designing a School Makerspace
Creating Makerspaces in Schools
ReMaking Education: Designing Classroom Makerspaces for Transformative Learning
Gamificação nas empresas: como melhorar os treinamentos internos
The Pleasure Revolution: Why Games Will Lead the Way (Jesse Schell)
Classroom Game Design: Paul Andersen at TEDxBozeman
Gamification of Education
4 Ways To Bring Gamification of Education To Your Classroom - Top Hat
Gamification in Education: Top 10 Gamification Case Studies that will Change our Future
Collaborative Intelligence
REA - Rec.Educ.Abertos
Avaliação Formativa e os Instrumentos Metacognitivos de Avaliação em Educação Matemátic...
Portfólio: instrumento de metacognição para os professores em seu processo reflexivo na...
METACOGNIÇÃO Um instrumento psicopedagógico da potencialização das habilidades - 000004...
Escala de metacognição: evidências de validade, precisão e estabelecimento de normas
Metacognition as regulatory strategy of learning
Concept mapping
How to Make a Concept Map
What is Concept Map (Cmap)
What is a Concept Map
Concept Map Examples and Templates
Concept Mapping - Center for Teaching and Learning
Concept Mapping
Meaningful Learning
Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de David Paul Ausubel
Assistido entre 28/11 e 5/12
Differentiated Learning
Adaptive learning
8 plataformas adaptativas que você precisa conhecer - PORVIR
Smart Sparrow Adaptivity Our Learning Design Platform
Personalized learning
Personalização do ensino: como colocar o aluno no centro da educação – PORVIR
Material de leitura do curso de Ensino Híbrido - aula semana 5
What is Personalized Learning? – Personalizing the Learning Experience: Insights from F...
Personalized Learning A Report From The 2010 Symposium
Personalized Learning: A Working Definition
Future Ready Learning - Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education
Introducing Personalized Learning Suggested