
Ohio Resources

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Agent Resources


Some of this links need to be changed once you obtain logon credentials.

  1. 8x8
  2. PeopleNet Login
  3. CSC Start Page

    Doesn't Work Here Pin to Bookmark Bar :) CSC Start Page Internal Link.

  4. Webmail Outlook
  5. Airspace
  6. Ohio TIDE Admin Site

    Reset Passwords, Unlock User Accounts etc..

Important Misc Documents

  1. OST Sample Demographic Pages

    Sample version of paper-based bubbling.

  2. Scorable Document Marking Guidelines

    Example of what an answer document may resemble.

  3. Accessibility for Ohio’s State Tests

    This page includes information and resources related to accommodations on state assessments.

  4. Ohio Testing Times 2015-2016
  5. Special Testing Cases Guidance.pdf
  6. Adult Learner Information

Ohio Adminstration FAQs


Internal Documents

  1. Spring 2016 AASCD FAQs
  2. Spring 2016 OST FAQs

    Internal Document

  3. Spring 2016 OGT FAQs

    Internal Document

Important Ohio Links

  1. Ohio Project Page

    Airspace (Internal)

  2. Ohio Templates

    Templates for common case write-ups.

  3. Pre-ID Companion

    Screencap/Instruction for most common Pre-ID issues. (Internal Document)

  4. Ohio Verification Listing Update 5/10/16
  5. Ohio Portal Page
  6. Important Dates

Reporting Resources

  1. Score Report Breakdown

    Allows the user to understand how to read and understand the data from the score reports.

  2. OST Rescore & Verification Guide
  3. Discrepancy Record System Guide

    Tab inside of TIDE

  4. ORS 2015-2016 User Guide

    Online Reporting System User Guide

  5. ORS Downloadable Data File
  6. Pre-ID File Layout (Excel)

Ohio State Tests (OST)

  1. Spring 2016 OST FAQs


  2. Spring 2016 Paper Testing Preparation


  3. OST Spring16 DFAM Manual

    Teachers/Test Administrators Manual

  4. OST Spring16 TCM Manual

    For District Test Coordinator and Building Test Coordinator Use

  5. Ohio Department of Education - FAQ's About Ohio's State Tests
  6. OST Practice Test Guidance

Ohio Graduation Test (OGT)

  1. OGT DFAM Summer 2016
  2. OGT District Test Coordinator’s Manual Summer 2016
  3. OGT Building Test Coordinator's Manual Summer 2016
  4. Summer 2016 OGT FAQs
  5. Summer OGT Help Desk Training
  6. Spring 2016 OGT FAQs

Alternate Assessment (AASCD)

  2. Spring 2016 AASCD DEI User Guide

    Data Entry Interface User Guide

  3. SP16 AASCD TCM Manual

    For District Test Coordinator and Building Test Coordinator Use

  4. AASCD Special Cases Guidance
  5. Spring AASCD DFAM Manual

    Test/Teacher Administration Manual

  6. AASCD Additional Orders & Pre-IDs


  1. TA Certification Companion
  2. TA Certification Course
  3. TIDE Tutorial Part 1


  4. TIDE Tutorial Part 2

    Uploading Pre-ID Files

  5. TIDE Tutorial Part 3
  6. TIDE Tutorial Part 4
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