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Sources - Read
- - the encyclopedia of painting
Hans Hinterreiter -
Robert Irwin (artist)
Eras and Movements
Ρομαντισμός | 18th A.D.
Symbolism (arts) | 19th A.D.
Decadent movement | 19th A.D.
Russian symbolism | 19th - 20th A.D.
Museums and Galleries
Romantism (18th A.D.)
Τεοντόρ Ζερικώ (1791-1824)
Symbolism (19th - 20th A.D.)
Άρνολντ Μπαίκλιν
Russian Symbolism (19th - 20th A.D.)
Zinaida Gippius (1869-1945)
Pop Art
David Hockney talks about his Life and Art | Dangerous Minds
Nice list ^^