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QuickEstate (Shared Links)
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Essential Catalogue
Put sites with excellent lists of related companies here
Wills, Trusts, and Technology - Corrections and Additions
List of Trust-related Associations
Put links to any competitors here
Inevitable Exodus
Provides estate administration binders and CDs direct to funeral homes. In biz for 15 yrs.
- | Manage the executor process
Estate Map
Software for Estate Planning & Probate Practices - Smokeball
Related Sites (Potentially Competitive)
Estate Docs Pro
A lawyer in phoenix pointed us at it. Is wills and trust kit. They need something else to sell.
Canadian Legal Wills
Really likes what quickestate is doing... Wants a relationship with us.
Estate Planning Books & Software - Comparison Chart -
Estate Planning Software for Attorneys - Practical Planning System
Estate Planning Software & Trust Software for Attorneys - WealthCounsel
Fore! Trust Software: assemble living trusts and wills
BLOGS & Associations (People we NEED to know)
Estate Law Canada
Is in NFLD - does great work. Need to connect.
National Association of Estate Planning Attorneys
Estate Planning Smarts ::: Deborah L. Jacobs
Handy links for development to pass along
User Experience Research Platform
Crowd-sourced UX test platform. Super inexpensive. Can get granular in recruiting survey.
Designers Compete for your Business
This is an inexpensive way to do logo, site layout, etc.
Web Design Competition - (Canadian Version)
People compete to do a design for you
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