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Ferramentas digitais
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Email marketing - cleaning database
Tem versão gratuita, qde limitada diária
Chat, email automation, atendimento ao cliente
Intercom - Customer Communication Platform
Sumome - The Best Website Traffic Tools
Heatmaps, squeeze (para pegar o email do cliente), like social media buttons
Análise de site - heatmaps, graficos, A/B tests, questionarios,etc
7 Free or Low Cost Tools to Improve Landing Page Conversion Rates
Análise de concorrentes, páginas, públicos, conteúdos
Landing / squeeze pages
26 Best HTML Landing Page Templates
20+ Free HTML Landing Page Templates
The 6 Best Free Tools for Building Landing Pages
Landing Page Builder Reviews and Comparison
OptimizePress - Create Landing Pages, Sales Pages & Membership Portals — OptimizePress
Dá p criar uma área do site exclusiva p membros
Unbounce - Landing Pages: Build Publish & Test Without I.T. | Unbounce
Teste A/B
Layout templates online
Crello - design em mov e estatico
Bannersnack - para banners
Trakto - Documentos Inteligentes
Qwilr - web pages, documents, orçamentos - free
- - Free Website Builder | Create a Free Website
- (live streaming, pode ser remunerado)
- (webinars)
Webinarjam - streaming pago
audio + video tools
- - download videos youtube facebook etc
Online Audio Converter - Сonvert Sound to MP3, WAV, MP4, M4A, OGG or iPhone Ringtones
Webdesign e programação
Material Design Lite - from google
Weebly: Create a Free Website, Online Store, or Blog
Webflow - The best website builder for responsive design
Webflow - Design Responsive Websites In The Browser With Webflow
Sublime Text: The text editor you'll fall in love with
Software de Web design | Baixar versão de avaliação gratuita da Adobe Muse CC
Mkt digital - google, seo, adwords
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
Google My Bussiness
SEMrush - service for competitors research, shows organic and Ads keywords for any site
Automation - Funis Vendas - Inbound marketing - CRM
8 free or super-cheap marketing automation systems
Marketing Funnels and Landing Pages that Convert
Tb tem landing pages,e mail automatization
BlueprintTool - desenhar funis
Autopilot - Marketing Automation Software
HubSpot - inbound mkt software
Bem completo. Funil, email aumation, crm..
Email marketing - automation
Enrich your leads data |ManyContacts
Mailchimp - Send Better Email
Vertical Response - desconto p ong
Lista de ferramentas (checar)
Midias sociais - cropar artes
Landscape by Sprout SocialLandscapeLandscape Drag and Drop
Midias sociais - administracao e mon.
Buffer - social - FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest
Hootsuite - social - (todos!)
postcron - social - FB, Twitter, Linkedin
Twitter - Tweetdeck
My Week - twitter
Followerwonk: Tools for Twitter Analytics, Bio Search and More
Midias sociais - Hashtags, mentions
Mention: Media Monitoring made Simple
Hashtracking - TW e INST
Keyhole - TW, FB, INS
- - pesquisa de #
beonpop - FB mentions + metrics
- - URL Shortener
TinyURL - urls menores
bitly - urls menores
- - urls menores
15 truques para iPhone que você pode não conhecer
Ferramentas para se informar
- - Trendwatching - comportamento do consumidor, pesquisa
Trendwatching - comportamento do consumidor, pesquisa
StumbleUpon - conteúdo recomendado de acordo c os seus interesses
- - salvar para ler + tarde
Alertas do Google - conteúdo filtrado da web no seu email
Teamwork / Lists
Productive habits & daily goals tracker
- - teamwork, gerenciador de tarefas e tempo para empresas
Trello - teamwork online Suggested for Análise de site - heatmaps, graficos, A/B tests, questionarios,etc