Ferramentas digitais

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Email marketing - cleaning database

  1. CaptainVerify

    Tem versão gratuita, qde limitada diária

  2. SafetyMails

Chat, email automation, atendimento ao cliente

  1. Intercom - Customer Communication Platform
  2. Sumome - The Best Website Traffic Tools

    Heatmaps, squeeze (para pegar o email do cliente), like social media buttons

Análise de site - heatmaps, graficos, A/B tests, questionarios,etc

  1. 7 Free or Low Cost Tools to Improve Landing Page Conversion Rates
  2. Hotjar
  3. ClickTale
  4. crazyegg.com

Análise de concorrentes, páginas, públicos, conteúdos

  1. BuzzSumo: Find the Most Shared Content and Key Influencers

Mkt digital - google, seo, adwords

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Google Tag Manager
  3. Google My Bussiness
  4. SEMrush - service for competitors research, shows organic and Ads keywords for any site

Automation - Funis Vendas - Inbound marketing - CRM

  1. 8 free or super-cheap marketing automation systems
  2. Marketing Funnels and Landing Pages that Convert

    Tb tem landing pages,e mail automatization

  3. BlueprintTool - desenhar funis
  4. Autopilot - Marketing Automation Software
  5. HubSpot - inbound mkt software
  6. Infusionsoft

    Bem completo. Funil, email aumation, crm..

Email marketing - automation

  1. Enrich your leads data |ManyContacts
  2. Mailchimp - Send Better Email
  3. Getresponse
  4. Vertical Response - desconto p ong
  5. Lista de ferramentas (checar)

Midias sociais - cropar artes

  1. Landscape by Sprout SocialLandscapeLandscape Drag and Drop

Midias sociais - administracao e mon.

  1. Buffer - social - FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest
  2. Hootsuite - social - (todos!)
  3. postcron - social - FB, Twitter, Linkedin
  4. Twitter - Tweetdeck
  5. My Week - twitter
  6. Followerwonk: Tools for Twitter Analytics, Bio Search and More

Midias sociais - Hashtags, mentions

  1. Mention: Media Monitoring made Simple
  2. Hashtracking - TW e INST
  3. Keyhole - TW, FB, INS
  4. Twitonomy.com - pesquisa de #
  5. beonpop - FB mentions + metrics
1 Comment
Comments or thoughts?
  1. User537343
    User537343 · over 5 years ago

    https://www.smartlook.com/ Suggested for Análise de site - heatmaps, graficos, A/B tests, questionarios,etc

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