display snippets of HTML and/or CSS for testing
convert HTML to Markdown
convert Markdown to HTML (made by the guy who invented Markdown)
a tool to validate JSON and format it neatly
mvc framework for web apps
a javascript library that fetches data and shows results when a user types something in an input box
add jquery.min.js, bootstrap.min.js and css for bootstrap dropdown navbar to work on small devices
equal-height columns and footer at bottom of the browser without a blank space under it
see which CSS you can use with what browser and browser versions
data-driven javascript library that creates nice data visualizations
responsive off-canvas sidebar menu for bootstrap-themed websites
how to use css media queries
vertically align images in a container with bootstrap's .media-middle class
showing that 0, "0", "", null, undefined, NaN are either true or false by convention
a look at jquery's html injection functions
accessing data from instagram using their API and then jQuery and AJAX to take it to HTML
containers and contents
iterating through for loops
outlining version control concepts, e.g. push/pull, checkout/commit, local/remote, etc.
how to use terminal commands and git version control
understanding how domain names and ip addresses work - in webcomic format
not .com but you'll get as many .cf, .ga, .gq, .ml, .tk domains as you want
adrian's blog post on how to learn web development
how to setup a domain name with a digital ocean droplet project
crowd-sourced buying: buy individual quantities of electronic merchandise at wholesale prices
historical maps of Toronto (possibly handy for overlay and data visualization projects)
draw a timeline with a google drive spreadsheet
show/get random free high-quality images for graphical inspiration
automate your social media and more
free trade without restrictions
display snippets of HTML and/or CSS for testing
convert HTML to Markdown
convert Markdown to HTML (made by the guy who invented Markdown)
a tool to validate JSON and format it neatly
mvc framework for web apps
a javascript library that fetches data and shows results when a user types something in an input box
add jquery.min.js, bootstrap.min.js and css for bootstrap dropdown navbar to work on small devices
equal-height columns and footer at bottom of the browser without a blank space under it
see which CSS you can use with what browser and browser versions
data-driven javascript library that creates nice data visualizations
responsive off-canvas sidebar menu for bootstrap-themed websites
how to use css media queries
vertically align images in a container with bootstrap's .media-middle class
showing that 0, "0", "", null, undefined, NaN are either true or false by convention
a look at jquery's html injection functions
accessing data from instagram using their API and then jQuery and AJAX to take it to HTML
containers and contents
iterating through for loops
outlining version control concepts, e.g. push/pull, checkout/commit, local/remote, etc.
how to use terminal commands and git version control
understanding how domain names and ip addresses work - in webcomic format
not .com but you'll get as many .cf, .ga, .gq, .ml, .tk domains as you want
adrian's blog post on how to learn web development
how to setup a domain name with a digital ocean droplet project
crowd-sourced buying: buy individual quantities of electronic merchandise at wholesale prices
historical maps of Toronto (possibly handy for overlay and data visualization projects)
draw a timeline with a google drive spreadsheet
show/get random free high-quality images for graphical inspiration
automate your social media and more
free trade without restrictions