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Ongoing Courses & Articles


Don't over 3 courses at the same time

  1. React Training

JavaScript Courses

  1. getify/You-Dont-Know-JS

    Best JavaScript introduction!

  2. getify/Functional-Light-JS: A book about functional programming in JavaScript.

    Best function programming introduction!

  3. JavaScript Allonge by Reg “raganwald” Braithwaite [PDF/iPad/Kindle]

    A book for functional programming in JavaScript

  4. javascript.info: The Modern Javascript Tutorial

    Like the style of the tuts!

  5. JavaScript: The Good Parts
  6. ECMAScript 6 入门 by 阮一峰

Low-Priority Couses


Some courses I'm interested in and I would like to learn in my life if I have time.

  1. yangshun/front-end-interview-handbook: 🕸 Almost complete answers to "Front-end Job Inte...
  2. Game Programming Patterns
  3. The modern web design process | A free ebook from Webflow
  4. zeeshanu/learn-regex: Learn regex the easy way
  5. open-source-society/computer-science: Path to a free self-taught education in Computer ...
  6. Understand the Basics of HTTP - Course by @petejohanson @eggheadio

Finished Articles

  1. Creating Usability with Motion: The UX in Motion Manifesto
  2. Gain Motion Superpowers with requestAnimationFrame – Benjamin De Cock – Medium

    Best intro to SVG animation by BDC

  3. setState ftw // Speaker Deck

    Nice concept about `setState` in React

  4. Surge VS GitHub Pages: How to deploy a create-react-app project
  5. Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

    An perfect example which explains what we need virtual DOM (not how it works)

  6. JavaScript Modularization Journey

    JavaScript 模块化七日谈

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