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Alex Sexton on Twitter: "ProTip: Add a w=1 query param to github diffs to ignore whites...
Dropbox as a True Git Server · cat /var/log/life
You can now manage your GitHub code like your social life
10 Aspects on Which BitBucket Is Better Than GitHub - PHP Classes
The Beginner’s Guide to Github and Git
How GitHub Became Our Best Marketing Tool
Automated Bisect with Unit Tests - SitePoint Premium
GitHub Guides
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Bitbucket Cloud Documentation Home - Atlassian Documentation
tutorials — Bitbucket
Setting up a Github and Bitbucket account on the same computer. · GitHub
DeckHub | Desktop client for GitHub
GitHub - leonardoanalista/cz-customizable: A customizable commitizen adapter for https:...
GitLab Pages · Websites for your GitLab projects, user account or group
Git GUI Client for Windows Mac and Linux | Axosoft GitKraken
GitHub - Microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows: Secure Git credential storage fo...
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