the way they are tying IRL to meta, but i dont like what they ar edoing
can do with insta influencers
verified NFT through discord. used for Tiger Club
Yuga Labs
110.000 discord users
4/23 ETH is 0.12 but going down
4/23 listing - 0.056
ETH 0.19
ETH 0.03 + $30gas
ETH 0.05
ETH poly 0.0017 or $5
ETH 0.31 + $30gas
NFT Marketplace
NFT listing data
NFT Ideas
the way they are tying IRL to meta, but i dont like what they ar edoing
can do with insta influencers
NFT verify
verified NFT through discord. used for Tiger Club
Buy Wish List
Yuga Labs
110.000 discord users
4/23 ETH is 0.12 but going down
4/23 listing - 0.056
Gas Tracker
Wearables that sold
ETH 0.19
ETH 0.19
ETH 0.03 + $30gas
ETH 0.05
ETH poly 0.0017 or $5
ETH 0.31 + $30gas