Homeownership Programs -DC

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DCRA Inspection Essential Links


Property research websites Home Inspection - DC

  1. Housing Code Inspections | dcra
  2. Report Illegal Construction | dcra
  3. ICC Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector Certification - Woman
  4. Property Information Verification System (PIVS 2.0) | dcra
  5. PropertyQuest
  6. | otr

Home Inspection Business


"Most business fail due to apathy and lack of planning."

  1. Average Construction Inspector Salaries in Washington, DC | Indeed.com
  2. What is a Business?
  3. ICC Learning Center
  4. How To Start A Home Inspection Business | Startup Jungle
  5. Why Home Inspectors Fail (or succeed)



Here we go!

  1. SOAR Works!
  2. LIHTC Database Access
  3. Briefing: State of Homelessness in America with Richard Gere | Congresswoman Maxine Waters
  4. D.C. Real Estate License Online: Pricing Packages Requirements

    Veterans & their family members receive 40% discount. If you can't beat them --join them.

  5. DC Open Doors - DCHFA
  6. HPAP | gwulonline

    Low income, working families qualify also voucher recipients.

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