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Startup School 2018 Syllabus - Google Docs
Group Office Hours & Moderators | Startup School
Instaclarity - Online Tutoring providing affordable and high quality education
Group Office Hours should show one more week. | Startup School
What's a good phone number app? | Startup School
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Startup School
Startup School
{Group#609}[Looking for a group ] IST timezone | Startup School
[PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING] Group Request Channel Posting Guidelines | Startup School
Twilio - Communication APIs for SMS, Voice, Video and Authentication
Pricing | Lookback
Pricing - Mixpanel | Product Analytics
Survicate | Where Leading Teams Collect and Act on Customer Feedback
Sentry | Error Tracking Software — JavaScript, Python, PHP, Ruby, more
How to build app for iPhone without Mac? - ionic-v1 - Ionic
Upload your App - Diawi - Development and In-house Apps Wireless Installation
Choosing a Membership - Support - Apple Developer
plugins/ at master · flutter/plugins
Getting started with Firebase and Flutter | Firebase
Privacy and Security in Firebase | Firebase
Cloud Firestore Data model | Firebase
Choose a Database: Cloud Firestore or Realtime Database | Firebase
Choose a data structure | Firebase
QR Code generator library
Building Flutter QR Code Generator, Scanner, and Sharing App
Lisnr’s data-over-audio technology aims to replace QR code scanning, NFC | TechCrunch
Google debuts Tez, a mobile payments app for India that uses Audio QR to transfer money...
Pricing | Send data with sound
How Google Nearby works, and how you can take advantage of it | Greenbot
UX Design
Feature discovery - Growth & communications - Material Design
App Onboarding Screens, you don’t need them – ProAndroidDev
Onboarding Exercise – Kevin Armstrong – Medium
Onboarding - Material Design
Buy | Axure
Wireframe vs Mockup vs Prototype & Selection of Prototyping Tools
Flutter for React Native Developers - Flutter
Fast Prototypes with Flutter + Kotlin/Native – OLX Group Engineering
Using Flutter in a real-life application with 200k downloads
What It Was Like to Write a Full Blown Flutter App – Hacker Noon
What’s Revolutionary about Flutter – Hacker Noon Suggested for Integrations