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Biofield Energy
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Trivedi Effect
Mahendra Trivedi's Astonishing Discovery | The Trivedi Effect®
Mahendra Trivedi – Founder of the Trivedi Effect® | Facebook
Mahendra Trivedi - Life Coach & Biofield Energy Healer
Mahendra Trivedi (Official) Profile | LinkedIn
Explore the Power of Science with Mahendra Trivedi
Mahendra Trivedi's SelectedWorks | BePress
Alternative Therapy
The Trivedi Effect - Health, Wellness and Fitness
The Trivedi Effect | Zotero
The Trivedi Effect – Reviews and Testimonials
The Trivedi Effect | Beliefnet
Trivedi Effect | Healing with Human Biofield Energy | Testimonials
The Trivedi Effect Official YouTube Channel
That's what I've been looking for ;)