Incentives COE

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Incentive Customers

  1. DM Customer Program Tracker
  2. CSM New Hire Calendar
  3. Segmentation request
  4. Migrations Deck
  5. Commits Ticket for pooled points
  6. Commits Ticket for Milestone

Customer Specific Incentives

  1. JIRA Reconciliation Ticket
  2. J&J Reconciliation Use Cases
  3. J&J Weekly RC Redemption File Spec
  4. JIRA reconciliation request for 2017
  5. DM Request for Weekly RC File
  6. MDC Support Overview

PYRO 2020

  1. Game Plan for 2020 PYRO
  2. PYRO 2020 OB File Folder
  3. Outbound Files 2020 PYRO Requirements
  4. Summary of PI-14 PYRO needs
  5. CS All Hands PYRO Slides

Old Analytical File Specs

  1. Milestone Completion
  2. Rewards Redeemed
  3. Health Goals
  4. Program Engagement
  5. User Registration & Login


  1. EBR Outbound Files Meeting Notes - 04/09/2019
  2. EBR Support Decision Matrix
  3. EBR CX Training 4/10


  1. Weekly File Migration Timeline
  2. Migration of Outbound Files Working Doc
  3. End-to-end Migrations Readiness Review
  4. Outbound File Migration Tracker
  5. Master IMPL Migrations Jira Ticket Template
  6. Migrations Confluence

Earnings Report (Tax Files) Resources

  1. Earnings Report Process - Castlight Direct & Anthem Engage
  2. PDD ER for Anthem BoB
  3. PDD ER for Castlight Direct
  4. ER Breakdown & Gap Analysis
  5. ER for Castlight Direct Confluence
  6. Write Script for Non-Direct Fulfillment Data

Incentives COE Materials

  1. Incentive Support Insights
  2. COE team likes
  3. Lean Six Sigma Training
  4. Biometrics Ranges
  5. CSM Onboarding
  6. L-Jiff Integrations Deck

Data Management/OCFR

  1. Tableau report to check RC redemptions
  2. DM Request Template Ticket
  3. product_guid JIRA ticket
  4. DM File Folder from Pavan
  5. File Edge Cases - Lessons Learned
  6. DM Task Tracker

Outbound File Specs

  1. Outbound Data File Spec
  2. AB Incentive file spec
  3. Georgia Pacific Milestone Spec
  4. Koch Milestone Spec
  5. McCain File Spec
  6. PFJ HRA File Spec

Confluence Documentation

  1. L-Jiff INT 1.0 Wiki Configs
  2. Rewards Center Configurations
  3. Wellbeing Programs SOP
  4. INT 2.0 Complete Product Functionality
  5. INT 2.0 EBR

McCain Incentives


CSM: Jessica Jones

  1. McCain Incentives Questions
  2. McCain File Questionarie



IMPL Resources

  1. Migration > PYRO Implications
  2. JIRA Best Practices for IMPL
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