Danielle's PM Board

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Kairos - UMC Benefits Leader

  1. UMC Access Template Ticket
  2. PI19 UI Enhancements Epic
  3. UMC Healthy Habits Report PDD
  4. UMC Race Challenges Report PDD
  5. UMC Health Conditions Report PDD
  6. UMC Reward Center 2.0 Report PDD

Quick Links

  1. Medical Contribution Adjudication
  2. 2019 Product Owner Contacts
  3. Quarterly Refresh Process
  4. DM Customer Programs (full list)
  5. DH/PP 1:1 Agenda Items
  6. Intake Form Folder


  1. Megan Product Internship
  2. Sweepstakes Lucid Chart

Telos Team Management

  1. Telos Weekly Meeting Agenda & Notes
  2. Outbound File Strategy Tracker (update before Tuesday meeting)
  3. Telos Program Management Folder

Vaccine Finder

  1. InVision Mocks
  2. Mixpanel reporting
  3. Test Accounts
  4. CPEN Scrum Board
  5. Bulk Upload Provider Location File
  6. Provider Supply Requirements

Product Resources

  1. PM Playbook - How To's
  2. Product Backlog
  3. Product Central Training Materials
  4. Mixpanel Working Well Dashboard
  5. Mixpanel 101 Training
  6. Castlight Academy Sharepoint

Agile Scrum

  1. Canvas Team Scrum Ceremonies
  2. Recording of General Scrum Overview
  3. DM Agile Overview

Lean Six Sigma

  1. Main LSS Sharepoint site

Jira Tickets

  1. New OB file template ticket
  2. DM-8145: Master OB File Epic
  3. DM-9925: Spec Signoff
  4. DM-10181: Test File
  5. DM-10170: Definition of Done (Automation)

Product Resources

  1. OKR master spreadsheet
  2. Go to Market Launch pad
  3. PI19 Objectives & Risks
  4. Incentives Resourcing Flow
  5. Weekly Outbound File/Product Check-in Tracker
  6. Deep Dive Challenges

Business Cases

  1. Incentives 2.0 - Roadmap & Feature Prioritization
  2. Sweepstakes 2.0 - Business Case
  3. INT2 - Support Volume - Q4 18 Readout

Customer Specific Documents

  1. Meijer OB Recommendation
  2. NetApp Earning Report Options
  3. Sunrise HRA Configuration Change Proposal

PS Resources

  1. Customer Program SOP from Carissa
  2. IMPL Master Project Plan (from Vinay/Lydia)

OB File Enablement Materials

  1. OB Analytical & Incentive File SOP
  2. OB Earnings Report SOP
  3. CX Ops Sharepoint Site
  4. Deep Dive Part 1
  5. Deep Dive Part 2
  6. Outbound File Training - WIP

File Specifications

  1. Anthem BoB Earnings Report spec
  2. Milestone Completion Outbound Incentive File Spec
  3. Reward Center Redemption Outbound Incentive File Spec
  4. Master Outbound File Specification
  5. End of Year File Specification
  6. Program Activity Completion Outbound Incentive File Spec

Product Definition Documents

  1. PDD - Earnings Report Castlight Direct
  2. PDD - Incentives Castlight Direct
  3. PDD - Productized Analytical Files

Telos General Resources

  1. Benefits Quick Links
  2. Telos PI18 Plan
  3. Telos PI16 Plan - Confluence
  4. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MZ62QnX3zTGK2RzhEc3PqEqSX9wTy7a6GtseML4EJyI/edi...
  5. Danielle's Tracker: Vendor File Adjudication Breakdown & Financial Risk
  6. PaaT Milestone Meeting Notes

End of Year

  1. 2019 End of Year File Spec
  2. 2019 End of Year Point Balance Outbound File Guardrails
  3. 2018 Auto redemption Marketplace Tracker


  1. Castlight Complete Unified Spec
  2. Eligibility Field Mapping
  3. Anthem Eligibility Files - Business Scenarios and Challenges


  1. Sweepstakes_product_guid_issue

Outbound File Trackers

  1. Outbound File Commitments (current)
  2. Telos - Outbound file list (current)
  3. Game Plan for 2019 PYRO Outbound Files
  4. Deprecated 2019 Outbound Master List
  5. EOY Files from Aarthi

Analytical Resources

  1. Learnings
  2. Outbound Analytical SOW
  3. Introduction of Outbound Analytical Data Files For Castlight Direct Customers 0.2

PI Planning

  1. PI-14 Resource Center
  2. Telos PI14 Plan
  3. Summary of PI-14 OB File Needs
  4. create and edit presentations online, for free.
  5. PI-13 Discussion w/Mike, Liliana, & EW
  6. DM Customer Launches PI Plan
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