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Fine Art


Bookmarks / Bookmarks / Art / Fine Art

  1. Psychotronic Art
  2. SKETCH42 : ART

Art History


Bookmarks / Bookmarks / Art / Art History

  1. Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  2. The Art Story: Modern Art Movements, Artists, Ideas and Topics

Ethnic/Tribal Art


Bookmarks / Bookmarks / Art / Ethnic/Tribal Art

  1. African Fabrics – The History and Background – Part 1 | Africa Imports African Business...
  2. Burke Museum
  3. Museum of Anthropology | Home
  4. NAMES & MEANING OF AFRICAN PRINT. – The Voice of Inspiration.
  5. Names and significance of African Fabrics
  6. New Guinea Art, Oceanic Art & Tribal Art



Bookmarks / Bookmarks / *Bookmark Bar / Education / Drawing/Illustration

  1. Shapecatcher: Draw the Unicode character you want!
  2. Art Appreciation - understanding the qualities of great art.
  3. Free Art Tutorials: Painting & Drawing Lessons - Artists Network
  4. Free Online Art Classes
  5. How To Draw Realistic Animals
  6. Intro to Graphic Illustration - an Online Graphic Arts Course at Kadenze

Resources (Links, etc,)


Bookmarks / Bookmarks / Art / Resources (Links, etc,)

  1. Art cyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine

Museums - Online


Bookmarks / Bookmarks / Art / Museums - Online

  1. Art History Digital Libary - Degrees & Guides
  2. British Museum - Welcome to the British Museum
  3. Collection | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  4. Digital Collections - Penn Museum
  5. Getty Research Major Collecting Areas
  6. GSG: highlights=Open Content Images



Pinned from Art/Design

  1. Black and White Spider Awards - Photo Awards black & white photography Awards Competition.
  2. GigaPica
1 Comment
Comments or thoughts?
  1. qqqq · over 2 years ago

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