Federal Courts

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Bankruptcy Court

  1. Central District of California
  2. Eastern District of California
  3. Northern District of California
  4. Southern District of California

Federal Legal Research

  1. 9th Circuit Opinions
  2. Code of Federal Regulations
  3. Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
  4. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
  5. Federal Rules of Evidence
  6. Forms | United States Courts

Circuit Court

  1. Central District of California
  2. Eastern District of California
  3. Northern District of California
  4. Southern District of California

United States Patent and Trademark Office

  1. Check Patent Status & View Documents
  2. Federal Register Notices
  3. Filing Trademark Online
  4. Official Gazette
  5. Patent Trial and Appeal Board
  6. Search for Patents

United States Copyright Office

  1. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 37
  2. Compendium, Third Edition
  3. Copyright Law of the United States
  4. eCO Registration System
  5. Search Records | U.S. Copyright Office
  6. U.S. Copyright Office

Federal Appeals Court

  1. D.C. Circui Court of Appeals
  2. Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals
  3. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals
  4. Federal Court of Appeals
  5. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
  6. First Circuit Court of Appeals
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