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Blogs & Podcasts
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The Jealous Curator /// curated contemporary art
Nesha Woolery
Uncovered Classics :: Female Authors of the 20th Century
Web Design/UX
A List Apart
Adactio: Journal
Cameron Moll
Coax | Louder Than Ten
The Industry
Jason Santa Maria
ISSUU - My Feed
Blog (Works That Work magazine)
UX in Libraries
Amanda Etches |
Amanda L. Goodman | Hello! I'm a user experience (UX) librarian. I build websites in Wo...
Bush Library Mechanic aka JCU Library Technologies
Designer Librarian | A blog about instructional design and technology in libraries.
disambiguity - Observing, reflecting, designing.
Emily Singley | usable libraries
Fresh & New(er) | Museums & Digital Media
koven j. smith dot com | "Making dreams reality since 1975."
Thirty8 Digital Blog
Content Marketing For Libraries
David Lee King - Social web, emerging trends, and libraries
Library Technology Launchpad – Information, News, and Tips for the Tech-Savvy Librarian.
socialbrary – Social + Library | Social Media Marketing Tips for Public Libraries
Branded Out Loud Blog « Branded4Good
Devesh Design: Conversion Rate Optimization and Email Campaigns
Makerspaces & Programming
danah boyd | apophenia
Life is a Maker Faire | Celebrate arts, crafts, education, and the Do-It-Yourself mindset.
Blog — Making & Learning
Programming Librarian (ALA)
Renovated Learning | Building a culture of creativity and discovery in education
5 Minute Librarian
Daring Librarian
Free Range Librarian › K.G. Schneider's blog on librarianship, writing, and everything ...
Information Tyrannosaur | Top of the Information Food Chain
Information Wants To Be Free | A librarian, writer and educator reflecting on the profe...
The irreverent librarian
5by5 | The Big Web Show
Evil Librarians (Creative Libraries Utah), Blubrry Podcast Community
LibUX - Design and User Experience for Libraries
PNR with This Old Marketing Podcast
Stuff You Missed in History Class Suggested for Marketing