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Fingrid is using IBM Internet of Things solutions to create a smarter grid
2013: The year of the Internet of Things | MIT Technology Review
Academics | ThingWorx - Internet of Things and M2M Application Platform
Big Data, IOT and Security - OH MY! - Data Science Central
Bits & Pieces from the Embedded Design World | Category Archive | IoT
Data Science for IoT: The role of hardware in analytics - Data Science Central
IoT 2
A virtual twin: Can virtual drivers resembling the user increase trust in smart cars? -...
Building the Smart City With the Internet of Things - DATAVERSITY
Caltrain Quantified: An Exploration in IoT - Data Science Central
Design News - Blog - The Internet of Things Isn't Waiting for Standards
Driverless Cars May Cut U.S. Sales By 40%, Barclays Says
How Big Data And The Internet Of Things Improve Public Transport In London - Forbes
IoT 3
IoT will Deliver $ 1.9 Trillion Boost to Supply Chain
Silicon Labs' IoT SoC Gambit | EE Times
TomTom Road DNA: Precise Location Tech for Driverless Cars
How To Develop An IoT Application: Suggested for IoT