Text (Clipboard, Documents, Autofill)

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Transform Selected Text

  1. Excellent Selection 4/5 (Transform selected text using one of several built-in filters)

PDF Merge / Combine / Glue

  1. (GD) PDF Merge - PDF Files Merger 4/443
  2. (GD) PDF Mergy 4/2991
  3. EasyPDFCombine 3/31 (PDF Merge Tools)

View & Edit PDF

  1. (GD) Ultradox 5/338 (connect: GMail, Google Forms, Docs, Sheets) (make PDF from Google ...
  2. PDFescape 3/123
  3. PDFescape Free PDF Editor 3/430

New (PDF)

  1. PDF Go To Page

View PDF

  1. Mozilla PDF Viewer, Reader - Chrome Web Store
  2. PDF Viewer 4/614

Spell & Grammar Check / Spellchecking & Grammarchecking

  1. GrammarBase - Web Grammar Checker - Chrome Web Store
  2. Spell check 3/67
  3. BonPatron - Chrome Web Store
  4. Spell Checker for Chrome - Chrome Web Store
  5. Spell checker and Grammar checker by Ginger - Chrome Web Store
  6. Grammarly Spell Checker & Grammar Checker 5/4154 (works nearly anywhere on the web)

View & Edit Documents

  1. Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides - Chrome Web Store

Create Documents / Make Documents



  1. (GD) Google Sheets 4/5577
  2. Tabsalad - Chrome Web Store
  3. LibreOffice Calc on rollApp 4/67 (Spreadsheet program with comprehensive range of advan...

Templates for Documents, Presentations, Forms, Spreadsheets etc

  1. (GD) Drive Template Gallery 3/175 (You can use the Google Drive Template Gallery to cre...

Markdown (All)

  1. Markdown Here 5/210 (Write your email in Markdown, then make it pretty)
  2. MarkView - Chrome Web Store
  3. Markdown Viewer - Chrome Web Store
  4. Markdown Reader - Chrome Web Store
  5. Gist Markdown Preview - Chrome Web Store
  6. Markdown Preview - Chrome Web Store

Text to Speech

  1. (GD) Text To Speech with Google Drive 5/10
  2. Text to Speech App - Chrome Web Store
  3. Select and Speak - Text to Speech 4/930
  4. SpeakIt! - Chrome Web Store

Organize Documents

  1. (GD) Axiom 3/5 (Annotate on PDF, Word, PowerPoint, Webpages, Video and Images to build ...
  2. Gingko App - Chrome Web Store

Markdown Editors

  1. md everywhere 4/55
  2. Poe: Markdown Editor 3/12
  3. Minimalist Markdown Editor 5/80
  4. Mado 4/51 (Notes, Write Blog posts, Documents)
  5. (GD) (dropbox) StackEdit 5/917 (The Markdown editor powered by PageDown)

Dunno (Text)

  1. Add Remove Delete Text Tools - Chrome Web Store
  2. Format Text - Chrome Web Store

Sign Documents

  1. Inkdit 5/7 (Ultra light e-signatures)
  2. CoSign Digital Signatures - Chrome Web Store
  3. (GD) E-Sign with Adobe EchoSign 4/51

Diary Web / Online Diary / Journal

  1. Lucidity 4/7
  2. (GD) (ios, android, web) Journey (Diary, Journal) 5/432
  3. Diariste.com 1/5 (Online Diary)
  4. Diaro - diary, journal, notes 4/158
  5. Notebook 3/19 (no login, SUPERFAST)
  6. the little memory (with google drive) 4/74 (A time capsule, a simple and elegant journ...

Form Fills Save / Autofill / Autocomplete

  1. Always Autocomplete - Chrome Web Store
  2. Autofill 4/363 (Form autofill on steroids)
  3. Form Save And Restore 4/39 (This extensions saves form data and then restores it when y...
  4. SimpleFill 4/33 (fill forms)
  5. Form Filler 5/276 (Fills all form inputs in a page with dummy data)
  6. Lazarus: Form Recovery 4/765 (Autosaves everything you type so you can easily recover f...

Useless text/type

  1. Browser Clipboard 3/146

Google Docs

  1. Auto Notes 5/28 sync with google docs

Useful clipboard/copy-paste

  1. ManyClip 5/1 (A stack based copy/paste extension for Chrome)

Auto Copy-Paste (no cmd-C & cmd-V)

  1. Easy Copy Paste 4/69 (click icons for copy/paste)
  2. Autocopy Original 4/24
  3. Auto Copy 3/309

Rare text/type

  1. Allow Copy 4/124 (anti copy-paste protection)


  1. Print Friendly & PDF 4/850 (Print Friendly and PDF any Webpage)
  2. Soda PDF Online Services - Chrome Web Store
  3. (GD) PDFUnlock! 4/150
  4. Free Online PDF Unlocker - Chrome Web Store
  5. PDF Cloud Tools - Chrome Web Store
  6. PDF Viewer - Chrome Web Store
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