UX and Design

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Color Scheme Apps


Bookmarks / Tools / Color Scheme Apps

  1. Adobe Color CC
  2. #C81919
  3. Color Combinations | Color Schemes | Color Palettes
  4. Color Explorer • Free tools for working with digital colors
  5. color.hailpixel.com · Swatch you doing?
  6. ColorHunt

Design - Dev Collaboration


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Design - Dev Collaboration

  1. Collaboration between designers and developers made easy
  2. Fuse



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Fonts

  1. 5 Google Web Font Alternatives to Helvetica and Arial
  2. allthefontsyoulleverneed-kadavy - allthefontsyoulleverneed-kadavy.pdf
  3. Cassanet
  4. dafont
  5. Font Library | An open source project to tag and organize Google Fonts.
  6. Glyphter: The SVG Font Machine



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Gamification

  1. Jouer à Pong + Pacman + Space Invaders en même temps
  2. orchestredeparis.com
  3. Paye ton caps
  4. popcorngarage.com
  5. PussyWalk
  6. SHAPE TYPE, typographie

Guideline: General


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Guideline: General

  1. All About Style Guides - Tuts+ Web Design Tutorials
  2. A Maintainable Style Guide - Ian Feather
  3. Creating Style Guides · An A List Apart Article
  4. Designing for Mobile, Interaction Design
  5. Design Systems: Building for the Future | CSS-Tricks
  6. Facebook Design Resources

Icons galleries


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Icons galleries

  1. 1600 Vector Icons for IOS8, IOS7, Android - Download Free Pack
  2. 274 Vector Solid Icons Psd
  3. Evil Icons
  4. flaticon
  5. iconfinder
  6. icons8

Online image edotor


Bookmarks / Web / Online image edotor

  1. AP Social Media Image Maker
  2. Photo editor | BeFunky: Free Online Photo Editing and Collage Maker
  3. Photo editor online / free image editing direct in your browser - Pixlr.com
  4. Your designs - Canva

Prototyping Tools


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Prototyping Tools

  1. Atomic: Interface design software for professionals
  2. Axure
  3. CanvasFlip
  4. Composite
  5. Flinto
  6. Framer

Ressources bank


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Ressources bank

  1. Addons Adobe
  2. Blue Vertigo
  3. google ressources
  4. List of freebies
  5. Oozled / Medium
  6. Resources

Tools online


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Tools online

  1. 100 outils web gratuits
  2. 1200px Grid System
  3. Analyse de contraste
  4. atomic
  5. ColorDrop
  6. color-hex.com



Bookmarks / UX and Design / UI

  1. The best of Material Design, every day - MaterialUp

UX Guideline


Bookmarks / UX and Design / UX Guideline

  1. 10 Heuristics for User Interface Design: Article by Jakob Nielsen
  2. Facebook Design Principles
  3. First Principles of Interaction Design (Revised & Expanded) | askTog
  4. Google UX Guideline
  5. Vitsœ | Good design
  6. Windows UX Design Principles (Windows)



Bookmarks / Web / Video

  1. Coverr - Beautiful, free videos for your homepage



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Agency

  1. Adaptive Path
  2. AQuest - Digital Creative Agency
  3. Blink UX - User Experience Consulting
  4. clearleft - User Experience Consultants & Web Design Agency | Brighton, UK
  5. Eli Schiff
  6. FedWeb

Create font


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Create font

  1. TruFont outil open source

Design Enterprise


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Design Enterprise

  1. The Narrowing Distinction Between Designing for Enterprise vs. Consumer — Medium

Get Feedback


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Get Feedback

  1. Usabilia

Guideline: iOS Design


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Guideline: iOS Design

  1. Apple Watch Human Interface Guidelines - Apple Developer
  2. Apple Watch Human Interface Guidelines: Designing for Apple Watch
  3. iOS Human Interface Guidelines: iOS App Anatomy
  4. The iOS 7 Design Cheat Sheet - Ivo Mynttinen / User Interface Designer
  5. The iOS Design Guidelines - Ivo Mynttinen / User Interface Designer
  6. WatchKit - Apple Developer



Bookmarks / Web / Idea/Inspiration

  1. Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
  2. Adam Swiecki illustrations
  3. Artician - Your Creative Network for Art, Graphic Design, & Photography
  4. Brainstorming magazine Issue 03: How to Write Advertising Copy
  5. Creattica
  6. Design Inspiration + Visual Art Inspiration | Designflavr |



Bookmarks / Web / Learn/Study

  1. 50 Free Books for Web Designers & Developers
  2. Abduzeedo Design Inspiration | Design Inspiration & Tutorials
  3. Coursera - Free Online Courses From Top Universities | Coursera
  4. Design & Creativity - Skillshare
  5. Envato Tuts+
  6. Interaction Design Foundation

Personas Resources


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Personas Resources

  1. Flickr Gallery
  2. mlkshk
  3. Randomly Generate Fake Names



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Reading

  1. 20 Absolutely Essential Free Web Design Ebooks
  2. A beautifully simple tool to create moodboards. Niice
  3. adactio's Readlists:
  4. adaptivewebdesign.info
  5. Beyond responsive - myplanet.com
  6. Content-out Layout

Sites de veille graphique


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Sites de veille graphique

  1. 365awesomedesigners
  2. 404 insipiration
  3. Awwwards.com
  4. Behance Network
  5. Buy BeoPlay H6 Rapha Edition
  6. Calltoidea

UI Kit


Bookmarks / UX and Design / UI Kit

  1. iOS 10 UI kit
  2. Landing UI kit



Bookmarks / Web / vdo

  1. Patrones de Diseño, de software

Web Design


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Web Design

  1. Contents | Web Style Guide 3
  2. Free Learning of the Day: Watch Aaron Draplin Design A Logo in 15 Minutes - BOOOOOOOM! ...
  3. http://writing.mariusz.cc/learn-ux-design/
  4. Responsive Report 2014
  5. Style Tiles
  6. UI, UX: Who Does What? A Designer's Guide To The Tech Industry | Co.Design | business +...

Analytics & Dashboard Apps


Bookmarks / Tools / Analytics & Dashboard Apps

  1. Alexa - Actionable Analytics for the Web
  2. Beautiful, Automated Marketing Reports | Measur...
  3. Business Intelligence: Dashboards, Reporting and Analytics | Domo
  4. Cyfe
  5. Digital Marketing Tools | SiteCondor Blog
  6. DigMyData

Customer Journey Tools


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Customer Journey Tools

  1. Smaply
  2. Touchpoint Dashboard
  3. UXPressia

Design Patterns


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Design Patterns

  1. Create a Weather App Design for iOS in Adobe Illustrator - Tuts+ Design & Illustration ...
  2. Inspired UI
  3. iOS Patterns
  4. Mobile Patterns
  5. PatternTap | ZURB Library
  6. Pttrns



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Fonts

  1. 5 Google Web Font Alternatives to Helvetica and Arial
  2. allthefontsyoulleverneed-kadavy - allthefontsyoulleverneed-kadavy.pdf
  3. Cassanet
  4. dafont
  5. Font Library | An open source project to tag and organize Google Fonts.
  6. Glyphter: The SVG Font Machine

Graphic Design Photo Editing Apps


Bookmarks / Tools / Graphic Design Photo Editing Apps

  1. Background Image Generator - SiteOrigin
  2. Banner Maker
  3. BannerSnack - Banner Maker
  4. Canva
  5. Creative Image Clipper
  6. DropTask

Guideline: iOS Design


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Guideline: iOS Design

  1. Apple Watch Human Interface Guidelines - Apple Developer
  2. Apple Watch Human Interface Guidelines: Designing for Apple Watch
  3. iOS Human Interface Guidelines: iOS App Anatomy
  4. The iOS 7 Design Cheat Sheet - Ivo Mynttinen / User Interface Designer
  5. The iOS Design Guidelines - Ivo Mynttinen / User Interface Designer
  6. WatchKit - Apple Developer

Images bank


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Images bank

  1. AllTheFreeStock
  2. FindA.Photo [CC0 licensed]
  3. Foodshot
  4. Fotolia
  5. Negative Space
  6. Pexels

Managing colours


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Managing colours

  1. Adobe Color
  2. Best Practices for Minimalist Design
  3. BrandColors | Official color codes for the world's biggest brands
  4. Check My Colours - Analyse the color contrast of your web pages
  5. ColorClaim – Color Inspiration – Tobias van Schneider
  6. Color in UI Design: A (Practical) Framework – Medium



Bookmarks / Web / Pictures

  1. 123rf.com
  2. bigstockphoto.com
  3. deathtothestockphoto.com
  4. dollarphotoclub.com
  5. eu.fotolia.com
  6. Free stock photos · Pexels



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Reading

  1. 20 Absolutely Essential Free Web Design Ebooks
  2. A beautifully simple tool to create moodboards. Niice
  3. adactio's Readlists:
  4. adaptivewebdesign.info
  5. Beyond responsive - myplanet.com
  6. Content-out Layout



Bookmarks / UX and Design / TOUCH

  1. A Couple of Best Practices for Tablet-Friendly Design

Untitled Category


Bookmarks / Web / Untitled Category

  1. Atomic Design | Brad Frost
  2. Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc
  3. Colorblind Web Page Filter
  4. Color Combinations | Color Schemes | Color Palettes
  5. ColorVisionTesting | Colorblind Home Page
  6. ColorZilla - Eyedropper, Color Picker, Gradient Generator and more



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Vectors

  1. My Vector Workflow — Medium
  2. Pocket Guide to Writing SVG

Webdesign news


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Webdesign news

  1. Blog Du Webdesign
  2. Canal-Web, le Blog - L'actualité Canal-Web, par nos équipes spécialiséesCanal-Web, le B...
  3. Comparateur Compresseurs
  4. Creative Juiz, Webdesign, HTML5, CSS3, WordPress, jQuery, JS, tutoriel
  5. graphisme par Geoffrey Dorne
  6. iletaitunepub.fr



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Animations

  1. A Comparison of Animation Technologies | CSS-Tricks
  2. The Art of UI Animations, Lean UX SF
  3. UI Animation and UX: A Not-So-Secret Friendship · An A List Apart Article
  4. UX Archive



Bookmarks / Enterpreneur / Design

  1. Canva

Design Patterns Inspiration


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Design Patterns Inspiration

  1. Android Niceties
  2. Design Pttrns
  3. Little Big Details
  4. Material Design, Daily
  5. Mobile Apps Design Patterns
  6. Mobile Patterns

Fonts ressources


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Fonts ressources

  1. Font Ailerons ||Free P Use
  2. Font Alternate Gothic No1 D || Free P&C Use
  3. Font Anders || Free P&C Use
  4. Font Anivers || Buy except regular style
  5. Font Arctic || Free P&C Use
  6. Font Awesawez || Free P & C Use

Graphic Freelance Jobs


Bookmarks / Web / Graphic Freelance Jobs

  1. Behance
  2. Fcancer
  3. Fiverr
  4. Freelancer
  5. Guru
  6. Journalism

Guideline: Material Design / Android


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Guideline: Material Design / Android

  1. A Closer Look at How Material Design Improves Multitasking
  2. Android L Developer Preview | Android Developers
  3. Design | Android Developers
  4. Material Design Color Palette Generator - Material Palette
  5. Material Design Guideline
  6. Official Android Blog: Designing the perfect Lollipop.



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Inspiration

  1. Andy Cooke — siteInspire
  2. Awwwards
  3. Behance
  4. CSS Author
  5. Daily Material Design Inspiration - MaterialUp
  6. Developing your eye for design – Medium



Bookmarks / UX and Design / MicroInteractions

  1. 7 secrets for enhancing UX with micro-interactions | Webdesigner Depot
  2. Best Practices for Microinteractions
  3. “God is in the details.” — Prevue App — Medium
  4. Improve the payment experience with animations — Design Insights from Bridge — Medium
  5. Microinteractions | Designing with Details
  6. Microinteractions_QuickRef.pdf



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Plugins

  1. [PS - AI] Flaticon
  2. [PS] Digital Brushes
  3. [PS] Fontea | Google fonts
  4. [PS] Pexels Pro Tools
  5. [PS] PixelSquid 3D Elements || CC BY
  6. [PS] Prisma [Buy]



Bookmarks / UX and Design / READ NOW!

  1. 3 responsive design disasters — and how to avoid them
  2. 5 ejercicios de UI/UX para principiantes
  3. 7 youtube channels
  4. A Beginner’s Guide to Wireframing
  5. Cómo crear apps móviles para iOS y Android sin saber programar
  6. Como hacer tus imágenes, videos y mapas responsivos CSS.



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Software

  1. Antetype - Layout aware User Interface Design - responsive and future proof.
  2. C4 Studio Alpha Release
  3. Codesign
  4. Kap - Capture your screen
  5. Origami — Design Prototyping
  6. Pixelmator



Bookmarks / Web / UP-TO-DATE

  1. Adactio: Links
  2. Archives | CSS Weekly
  3. Articles by Cameron Chapman
  4. CSSLayoutNews
  5. Designer News
  6. Detox For Facebook

[Veille] Application


Bookmarks / UX and Design / [Veille] Application

  1. Pilo Healthcare App
  2. template tableau de bord html

Wireframing Tools


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Wireframing Tools

  1. Adobe InDesign CC
  2. Axure
  3. Balsamiq. Rapid, effective and fun wireframing software.
  4. MockFlow
  5. Mockingbird
  6. Omnigraffle



Bookmarks / UX and Design / BEST

  1. 1stwebdesigner - Graphic and Web Design Blog
  2. 5questionsfor100designers.com
  3. CodeCondo
  4. Dan Mall - Articles
  5. Design Gallery, Articles & Community | Design Shack
  6. DesignModo.com



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Diagrams

  1. ASCIIFlow Infinity
  2. Draw.io
  3. Flying Logic
  4. LucidChart
  5. OmniGraffle

Fonts ressources


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Fonts ressources

  1. Font Ailerons ||Free P Use
  2. Font Alternate Gothic No1 D || Free P&C Use
  3. Font Anders || Free P&C Use
  4. Font Anivers || Buy except regular style
  5. Font Arctic || Free P&C Use
  6. Font Awesawez || Free P & C Use

Graphics ressources


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Graphics ressources

  1. 70 line icons de Noël en Psd, Ai, SVG
  2. Croquis monuments
  3. EpicPxls
  4. Flaticon
  5. freepik.com
  6. iceflowstudios.com

Guideline: TV Design


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Guideline: TV Design

  1. 10-foot user interface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. A Crash Course In Designing For TV | www.tvwithoutborders.com
  3. Designing For 5 Screens: PC, Mobile, TV & More - ReadWrite
  4. Designing for Android TV | Android Developers
  5. Expert Design Tips To Build The Perfect Smart TV Apps - ARC - ARC
  6. Firefox OS TV User Interface & Animation Design | Mozilla UX

Interactions Inspiration


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Interactions Inspiration

  1. A tidy Repository of jQuery Plugins
  2. Free HTML, CSS, JS nuggets
  3. jQuery UI API Documentation
  4. The best UI design inspiration, every day.
  5. Tympanus
  6. Useful resources and inspiration for creative minds



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Mockup

  1. [CSS] Pure CSS Apple Device
  2. Facebook Design Resources Devices
  3. Macbook iceflowstudios.com
  4. mockuuups
  5. Pad sketch sheets for Web Designers
  6. Pixeden



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Plugins

  1. [PS - AI] Flaticon
  2. [PS] Digital Brushes
  3. [PS] Fontea | Google fonts
  4. [PS] Pexels Pro Tools
  5. [PS] PixelSquid 3D Elements || CC BY
  6. [PS] Prisma [Buy]

Style Guide & Charte RS


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Style Guide & Charte RS

  1. Find Guidelines - Réseaux Sociaux
  2. Frontify - Style Guide en ligne
  3. Instant logo search
  4. Logos svg
  5. SeekLogo Svg
  6. Semantic UI



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Tutorials

  1. 22 scripts Photoshop gratuit
  2. Adobe CC Keyboard
  3. Adobe Photoshop CC
  4. Art board
  5. Digital painting
  6. Facebook fil d'actu

[Veille] Fonts


Bookmarks / UX and Design / [Veille] Fonts

  1. Asmara Typeface on Behance
  2. Custom Chemistry
  3. edgewebfonts.adobe.com
  4. Eika on Behance
  5. FontBase — classement des typo
  6. Font Pair - Helps designers pair Google Fonts together. Beautiful Google Font combinati...



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Design

  1. BrandColors
  2. Placeit - Generate Product Screenshots in Realistic Environments

Eye Tracking


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Eye Tracking

  1. EyeProof | Analytics
  2. EyesDecide
  3. Gazept
  4. GazeRecorder
  5. OGAMA (OpenGazeAndMouseAnalyzer): An open source software designed to analyze eye and m...
  6. Sticky

Free Icons


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Free Icons

  1. Flaticon, the largest database of free vector icons
  2. Font Awesome
  3. google/material-design-icons
  4. Iconmonstr
  5. Noun Project
  6. Smahsicons



Bookmarks / Web / Grid

  1. 960.gs
  2. Generate grid templates - responsify.it

Guideline: Windows


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Guideline: Windows

  1. Design Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app - Windows app development
  2. Windows design basics - Windows app development

Movies bank


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Movies bank

  1. Coverr

Principes UX Design


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Principes UX Design

  1. AB Tests
  2. Comparateur d'ergonomie
  3. Dark Patterns
  4. doisjeutiliser.fr
  5. Fixed Headers on Mobile: A/B Tested
  6. Material Design



Bookmarks / Web / Resources/Materials

  1. Brands of the World™ | Download vector logos and logotypes
  2. Free Commercial Use Fonts · 1001 Fonts



Bookmarks / Web / Tools

  1. Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc
  2. Color Hunt
  3. DevDocs
  4. Fontello - icon fonts generator
  5. htaccess Tester - madewithlove
  6. ish. yet another viewport resizer.

TV Design


Bookmarks / UX and Design / TV Design

  1. TV UI/UX Design su Pinterest

[Veille] Websites


Bookmarks / UX and Design / [Veille] Websites

  1. Agence SBA
  2. APPS - Site of the Day June 27 2015
  3. Bino on Behance
  4. Born Fighters - Site of the Day August 14 2015
  5. Configurador VW
  6. Creative Trends

Books and Articoles


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Books and Articoles

  1. A Book Apart, Content Strategy for Mobile
  2. Gestalt Design Principles for Developers
  3. LukeW Ideation + Design | Digital Product Strategy & Design
  4. Pattern Lab | Build Atomic Design Systems

Font Management & Font Resources


Bookmarks / Tools / Font Management & Font Resources

  1. dafont.com
  2. exljbris Font Foundry
  3. Font Pair - Helps designers pair Google Fonts together. Beautiful Google Font combinati...
  4. Google Web Fonts Typographic Project
  5. Handpicked free fonts for graphic designers with commercial-use licenses. | Font Squirrel
  6. I Font You: Find Great Font Combinations



Bookmarks / UX and Design / FUNDAMENTOS / BASICS

  1. Web Style Guide Online
  2. What's involved in building a web site? - bradt.ca



Bookmarks / UX and Design / Grids

  1. Bach = Design
  2. Canons of page construction
  3. CSS Baseline
  4. Designing with a Baseline Grid
  5. Golden Ratio
  6. Gridlover

Internet Marketing & Marketing Automation Apps


Bookmarks / Tools / Internet Marketing & Marketing Automation Apps

  1. ClickFunnels - Marketing Funnels in Minutes
  2. Dukeo | Traffic Leads Sales
  3. Hubspot.com
  4. Infusionsoft.com
  5. Marketo: Best-in-Class Marketing Automation Software
  6. Online Sales Webmaster Tools

Observe your users | Testing


Bookmarks / UX and Design / Observe your users | Testing

  1. Card Sorting Software
  2. dscout - Mobile moments-based research
  3. First-Click Testing Software
  4. HotJar
  5. Inspectlet
  6. Jaco



Bookmarks / UX and Design / PROCEDURE

  1. How to Systematically Pick Fonts



Bookmarks / Web / Responsive

  1. Free Mobile Performance Testing with Akamai's Mobitest
  2. Math Short-Cut
  3. Remote Debugging | Documentation | Opera Dragonfly – Opera's built-in web developer tools
  4. Responsinator
  5. Responsive Design bookmarklet | BenjaminKeen.com
  6. Responsive.is – Display and present responsive web designs

UX for TV


Bookmarks / UX and Design / UX for TV

  1. Astro Studios - Work - UX Design
  2. Best Practices for Building User-Friendly & Smart Connected TV Apps
  3. The UX of TV

[Veille] Websites


Bookmarks / UX and Design / [Veille] Websites

  1. Agence SBA
  2. APPS - Site of the Day June 27 2015
  3. Bino on Behance
  4. Born Fighters - Site of the Day August 14 2015
  5. Configurador VW
  6. Creative Trends
1 Comment
Comments or thoughts?
  1. A visitor · over 2 years ago

    https://branition.com/colors Suggested

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