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Subject Resources
Literature & Writing
Teachers have found these resources to be useful for literature & writing classes but some of them may have cross curricular applications.
(docs add-on) citation creator and research aid
an interactive, online resource to help students learn, practice, and master grammar concepts
grammar assessments that adapt to student ability with instant feedback
Foreign Language
Teachers have found these resources to be useful for foreign language classes but some of them may have cross curricular applications.
Easy Accents
(docs add-on) lets students easily add accent marks when writing in a foreign lang.
type accent marks, diacritics and other characters online
Teachers have found these resources to be useful for math classes but some of them may have cross curricular applications.
lessons, calculators, and worksheets created to assist students and teachers of algebra
Love math? Hate math? Need homework help? This site's for you!
Dr. Math
Free Math Help
lessons, formulas, online calculators and homework help
(docs add-on) create graphs (including plotting points) and complex math directly in your doc
Khan Academy
Teachers have found these resources to be useful for geography classes but some of them may have cross curricular applications.
Street View
virtually explore the surface level of thousands of cities explore the inside of many famous sites
Teachers have found these resources to be useful for history/government classes but some of them may have cross curricular applications.
Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, and mor Suggested