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Tools - Nonprofit
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Donation Tools
Braintree Payments: Accept Online and Mobile Payments
Double the Donation – Matching Gifts Made Easy
Free Online Fundraising Software & Donate Button | Donorbox
Give - A Free WordPress Donation Plugin that Works Beautifully
How Your Nonprofit Can Accept Donations Online Right Now
Pricing for GivingFuel | Save Thousands By Switching
Payment Gateways
A flexible payments API for platforms — WePay
Pay It Square: Create a Page, Collect Money, Stay Organized
Platforms - WePay
199 Free or Cheap Online Tools for Nonprofits
199 Free or Cheap Online Tools for Nonprofits
36 Useful Apps & Online Tools for Nonprofits
7 Unique Fundraising Tools for Nonprofits
Nonprofit Donor Management & Fundraising Software | Bloomerang
Paypal Payments
Crowdfunding Platforms
Nonprofit CRM for QuickBooks | Method:Donor
26 Best Crowdfunding Sites by Niche - Wrike Blog
4 Great Crowdfunding Platforms For Your 2013 Non-Profit Fundraising
7 Top Crowdfunding Sites for Nonprofits and Higher-Ed Institutions
A Few Good Tools for Peer-to-Peer Fundraising | Idealware
Comparison of Top 10 Social Fundraising Websites | Sumac Non-profit Software
Fundraising Tools
Nonprofit Donation and Church Giving App - Givelify
People Pledged. So What? - Mobile Apps for Nonprofits
Fundraising | charity: water
Nonprofit Technology with a Purpose - NeonCRM
The 15 Best Online Donation Tools For Nonprofits [Reviewed] – Double the Donation
Donate – Art House Productions
Great links collection ;)