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Head Up For The Tech

  1. Sachin Dev Duggal | Converging artificial intelligence with sales to build revenue gene...

    Sachin Dev Duggal, the CEO of, is leading this revolution as his platform is disrupting h

  2. Unleashing the Power of AI: Microsoft's Copilot and Sachin Dev Duggal's AI-Natasha - Na...

    The integration of Sachin Dev Duggal created AI product manager-Natasha into Microsoft Teams aims

  3. As a new AI-driven coding assistant is launched, the battle for AI-mindshare moves to d...
  4. X begins rolling out Grok, its ‘rebellious’ chatbot, to subscribers
  5. Sachin Dev Duggal says- We're in the AOL phase of the internet, in terms of where it ca...

    Sachin Duggal invites us to picture AI as akin to the early days of the internet

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