Offers basic computer tutorials in English and Spanish
Article by Larry Kim on 9 places to learn coding online for free.
Video style walkthroughs showing cool stuff being created from scratch
a free online guide to coding for beginners
GA Dash teaches HTML, CSS, and Javascript through fun projects you can do in your browser.
Teaches students basic and advanced techniques by building projects for nonprofits.
Teaches web technologies with video lessons, coding challenges and screencasts
Digital Literacy
Offers basic computer tutorials in English and Spanish
Video and Imaging
Presentation Platforms
Coding and Programming
Article by Larry Kim on 9 places to learn coding online for free.
Video style walkthroughs showing cool stuff being created from scratch
a free online guide to coding for beginners
GA Dash teaches HTML, CSS, and Javascript through fun projects you can do in your browser.
Teaches students basic and advanced techniques by building projects for nonprofits.
Teaches web technologies with video lessons, coding challenges and screencasts